Northeastern Chapter

The IASA Northeastern Chapter was founded in 1964 and is comprised of members from the New England area. The purpose of our chapter is to provide members with opportunities to engage in professional networking, industry education, earn CPE’s and informational updates regarding the insurance industry, critical to the areas in which they live. Our chapter offers these opportunities through an annual conference, which provides opportunity to network and earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. Topics may include economic updates, insurance industry trends, forensics accounting, reinsurance, ethics and GAAP and Statutory updates to name just a few. We welcome you to join our chapter! For more information on how to engage, attend our events or volunteer with our chapter community please contact Carla Teixeira, chapter president,

Northeastern Chapter Officers

Position Committee Member
Chapter President
Carla Teixeira
Assistant Vice President, The Travelers Companies, Inc.
Hartford, CT
Chapter Immediate Past President
Ashley Maher
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Boston, MA
Chapter Vice President
Michael L Baker Jr
Vice President and Controller, Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Lincoln, RI
Chapter Vice President
Patrick Ritter
Mr, Deloitte & Touche LLP
Hartford, CT
Chapter Vice President
Trevor Sansoucy
Lead Accountant, P&C, Unaffiliated
Kaitlin Librizzi
Senior Manager, Ernst & Young
San Antonio, TX