Wisconsin Chapter

The IASA Wisconsin Chapter was is comprised of members from the state of Wisconsin. The purpose of our chapter is to provide members with opportunities to engage in professional networking, industry education, earn CPE’s and informational updates regarding the insurance industry, critical to the areas in which they live. Our chapter offers these opportunities through in person and virtual events, which provides opportunity to network and earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. Topics may include evaluating investments, auditing standards, monitoring and control, professional development, reinsurance, ethics, automation of accounting and audit processes, STAT and GAAP updates to name just a few. We welcome you to join our chapter! For more information on how to engage, attend our events or volunteer with our chapter community please contact Jessica Greisch, chapter president.

Wisconsin Chapter Officers

Position Committee Member
Chapter President
Jessica Greisch
Financial Planning & Analysis Manager, West Bend Insurance Company
West Bend, WI
Chapter Treasurer
Amanda Jones
Director, Operations Accounting, Delta Dental of Wisconsin
Stevens Point, WI
Chapter Secretary
Kara Cramer
Senior Manager, Forvis Mazars
Kansas City, MO
Chapter Vice President of Membership
Kacey Helt
Senior Manager - Accounting, CUNA Mutual Group
Madison, WI
Chapter Vice President of Programs
Shelley Foster
Senior Manager, Wipfli, LLP
Milwaukee, WI
Chapter Vice President of Membership
Colin Michael Feguer
Assurance Manager, Plante Moran
East Lansing, MI
Chapter Director
Andrew Setz
Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP
Milwaukee, WI