Volunteer with IASA

Accelerate Your Career
While Giving Back to the Insurance Community

Volunteering with IASA is the best way to grow your professional network while contributing your talents to strengthen the insurance community. As IASA continues to evolve, we are challenging ourselves to engage our professional community at a more strategic level – as both content and industry experts. In addition, IASA wants to ensure that we are respectful of the commitment our volunteers make and that we use their time and talents in the most efficient and effective manner. 

2024-2025 Call For Volunteers

New Volunteers

Current Volunteers

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering with IASA is a wonderful way to meet other members, share your expertise, and contribute your talents to the insurance community.   

IASA Volunteers Gain:

  • Leadership Experience
  • Professional Skill Building (outside of your career work)
  • Enhanced Industry Knowledge
  • Organization/Industry Influence
  • Professional Network Expansion
  • Enhanced Resume/Portfolio
  • Life-Long Friends
  • and more!

Volunteer Opportunities Big & Small!

Volunteer Leadership Opportunites 

Chapter Involvement

IASA has 18, US-based regional chapters that provide education and networking opportunities close to home. Volunteering with your local chapter gives you new skills and leadership experience while contributing to your local insurance community and driving the chapter’s success.  

Click here to view a list of our local chapters.

National Committee Involvement

IASA has 11 national committees that support IASA initiatives in a variety of ways. Members may apply for appointment to a national committee at any time throughout the year. The initial committee leader terms are one-year with the option to apply for re-appointment at the end of the term.   

Click here to view a list of our national committees.

Volunteer Thought-Leadership Opportunites 

Content Review

After every IASA annual conference, there is an opportunity for members to earn CPE while reviewing select sessions for inclusion in the eLearning Center. The project lasts for one week following IASA Xchange™ in June. Participants can pilot-test multiple sessions, and no content knowledge is necessary. If you attended the conference in person, you will not be assigned sessions you already attended.
Click here to sign up for 2024 Xchange pilot testing (by May 31, 2024).

Podcast Team

An ‘ad-hoc’ opportunity seeking volunteer support of IASA’s Additional Coverage Podcast. Participation is mostly independent, but we will meet periodically to identify industry hot topics, crowdsource speakers, and strategize the episode schedule for new content.

If you have content expertise in a particular topic area, have a great network of industry colleagues presenting a wide variety of educational content, or have interest in supporting podcasts as an industry education opportunity, this opportunity is for you.
Submit your interest here.

Subject Matter Experts (SME)

Proposal Reviews: SMEs review proposal submissions for IASA Xchange to grade and provide feedback on their value. The projects last for one week, typically in the early September/July timeframes.

Existing Content Review: SMEs review on-demand content in IASA’s eLearning Center one to two years after the content’s initial launch to confirm the content’s accuracy and relevancy. CPE credit is available for first-time content reviews or if the content has substantially changed since the first review.
Click here to be considered for SME Content Review.

Call For Content

We have open calls for SMEs for other IASA media outlets, including:

Check out these opportunities on our Call for Content webpage.

New Volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering with IASA, please follow this link to fill out an application for 2024-2025.

Current Volunteers

If you are a current IASA volunteer, please follow this link to fill out a recommitment form for 2024-2025.